Monday, May 23, 2016

UiTM Dengkil / ASiD

Assalamualaikum dear fellow readers.

So it's 23rd of May and dah sebulan lebih keluar daripada asasi. To be exact, asasi kejuruteraan. Post kali ni aku nak bagitahu sikitlah apa benda aku buat kat asasi. I mean not the how I belajar and get pointer tinggi and whatever. That's all boring stuff you don't want to read. What I really want to talk about is the experience that you all should go through too, yknow, the crazy ass shit you do with your friends.

First semester was helluva ride bruh. And masa ni masih kat palam. Idk but to me masa kat palam the time was waaaaaaayyy longer. I mean, 1st sem tu aku balik rumah paklong like berapa banyak kali aku pun tak ingat. And masa kat dengkil sekali je bcs time went fast. So, sekali lagi aku memperkenalkan jantung hati aku; Aina, Maza, Shud, Syara. We did crazy shits I tell you. Masa kat palam satu benda je kitorang tak jumpa.... rooftop. Kalau aku tak gayat aku dah lama explore lagi but hell I am scared of heights.

Anyway, masa kat palam kolej dengan campus jauh gila (compared to in dengkil). I mean, tangga maut tu.... I died everyday. Masa mula2 macam separuh mati tapi lama2 oklah. Also, time mula2 masuk macam main2 sikit so tak concentrate time lecture, tutorial pun macam haram. Masa test 1 I failed 2 subjects; chem and physics. Chemistry sumpah tak paham mende. Physics is basically what we learned in SPM but advanced. But that's the thing; aku tak paham apa2 time SPM. Lepas test 1, aku, Maza dgn Aina janji depan pokok tepi bukit tak nak fail time test 2. But I failed chemistry.

Cakap pasal bukit, satu hari tu kitorang jogging. Lepastu naiklah satu bukit ni. Mula-mula dengar suara orang, so kitorang naik lagi guna tangga yang macam longkang. But turned out there's no jalan up there and did not know where the hell the voices came from. Lol. Freaked out a bit tapi sempat amek gambar.

Anyways.... one of the craziest shit aku pernah buat ialah bawah kereta 110 km/h dekat selekoh tajam glenmarie and every time I thought about it I cringed bcs if that went wrong..... fuck me. Melaka was good. *reminiscing*  Lepas class trip tu baru rasa macam rapat sikit dengan dak class. Sikitlah.

Also, aku dgn Aina lari dari polis bantuan sebab masa tu dah lewat malam tapi kitorang masih berlegar-legar luar block. Makanan kat kkpa was SUPERB and murah. Love it. Miss it.

Those are some things I did.

Sem 2...... DENGKIL!!

To be honest, aku adalah antara yang membantah sekali nak pindah dengkil. Sebab there were rumors yang kitorang kena tulis tiap kali keluar lah and all that kind of shits. Tapi aku kan jenis yang tak berapa suka kena kongkong and all. Tapi tak kena pun. Sebab kitorang first batch so aku rasa rules macam tak ketat sangat. But next batches.... idk.

Masa kat dengkil aku dapat bilik paling hujung sekali so dapatlah tengok view Putrajaya (and budak laki main futsal). Jap, aku ada gambar.

Nampak jelas kan court futsal *wink*

I took that picture from my room tau. And heads up for the new batch, korang akan dengar kapal terbang lalu setiap 5 minit. Sumpah seronok. And setiap khamis dengan sabtu ada pasaq malam. Tapi pergi yang khamis punya lagi best. Also, aku selalu gak g ioi city mall and sumpah aku punya sense of shopaholic tu tingling like crazy. Mainly sebab aku stress so I tend to spend more. Dekat2 final tu hari2 aku beli air hipster kat anjung. Habis duit aku.

edited: so dengkil ni basically pusat asasi so semua course asasi uitm. I want to tell you that you can see who's who. Maksud aku kau boleh tahu orang tu course engineering ke, sains ke, tesl ke, law ke. Because we dress differently. Aku selalu insecure nak g anjung sebab everybody is so pretty and then there's me. Budak sains, diorang sangat ayu, sopan, keperempuanan and all that. Law pulak nampak professional, berkarier, sophsticated and elegant. Tesl sangat hipster and on point, edgy, confident. And then, there's me............................................ ugh.

*spaced out when I was doing this post*

I actually cannot believe I'm done doing my foundation. It was really fun and too any experience to even talk about. You know, there are things better when it is told directly. I cherish all the moments during my foundation and all the friends I made. You guys meant a lot to me and I'm honoured to be a part of your journey.

Ask anything, I'll answer.

Much love,
Syahira Eddzam.

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